
The Best Ways to Use Cannabis Without Having to Smoke it

t is safe to say that medical cannabis is gaining more and more popularity across the United States. Medical cannabis is now legal in 33 states plus D.C. It can help in managing various medical conditions such as cancer, arthritis, chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy, and many more.

To get access to medical cannabis, you can consult a cannabis doctor for 420 evaluations in Oakland. Once you qualify, you will get your medical marijuana card in Oakland that allows you to buy medical cannabis.

But no one can deny the harmful effects of smoking, and that’s why many people seek alternative ways to use cannabis. This is especially true for people who use medical cannabis on a regular basis for their conditions like chronic pain. There are various ways of using cannabis without smoking it. This way more people can use cannabis without worrying about the harmful effects of smoking. Having said that, here are some of the most common ways to use cannabis other than smoking.


Vaping cannabis is considered a healthier alternative to smoking it. That is why vaporizers have become very popular in recent years. During smoking cannabis, the combustion takes place at high temperatures. This leads to the release of potentially harmful chemicals and smoke that can damage your lungs.

On the other hand, in vaping, cannabis is heated far more gently. This way only beneficial cannabinoids (like CBD and THC) escape and the harmful chemicals are left behind.



Dabbing is another healthier alternative to smoking cannabis. Similar to vaping, dabbing also produces vapor instead of smoke. But this method is used only to smoke cannabis concentrates. 

Concentrates are extremely potent and can even contain up to 90 percent THC. This makes them a great choice for people with chronic health issues. However, you should be familiar with your tolerance level before using them. Various types of Concentrates include resin, wax, budder, and shatter.

Cannabis Edibles

You must be familiar with the old “pot cookies.” Well, cannabis edibles are a lot more than just these pot cookies. Edibles provide you a versatile and tasty way to enjoy your cannabis as you can even experiment with different recipes. There are a lot of options when it comes to cannabis-infused treats.

Edibles are very potent but take a little while to kick in, about 1 to 2 hours, sometimes even more. This leads to people making the mistake of consuming more than they can handle. They very quickly regret it. So, while edibles are fun, you should consume them carefully.

Cannabis Topicals

Another great option for you to use cannabis without smoking it is using cannabis topicals. Cannabis topicals are basically cannabis-infused creams, oils, ointments, salves, and balms. If you are looking to use cannabis for recreational purposes, cannabis topicals are not for you. Cannabis topicals are applied directly on the surface of your skin and do not cause any kind of “high” associated with cannabis.

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9 thoughts on “The Best Ways to Use Cannabis Without Having to Smoke it

  1. Dave Davis says:

    I can’t smoke due to my asthma which has always put options like this off the table for me. I have since been working with different doctors and now receive edibles which have helped my medical issues so much. I can’t describe it. I am not sure if vaping would mess with my asthma like smoking but I did not want to risk it.

  2. Jake B. says:

    Thanks for this. I was looking into other options I may have as I don’t like to smoke anymore but it benefits my skin and other issues I have. It is the only thing that has helped honestly. I just want to find a different method by which to consume the stuff. It really is a powerful natural remedy for so much!

  3. Robert Cole says:

    Yup. Smoking is not good no matter what you are smoking. I know vaping has its concerns but I can tell you when I stopped smoking cigarettes and switching to vaping, I stopped coughing and my endurance improved a lot. I want to get away from smoking weed too. I only just learned you can vape it recently. I tried edibles and not a fan. I will look into topical options more.

  4. Mike says:

    I have not tried dabbing. I heard it can be too strong for some. I have health troubles and I am just trying to find access to medical marijuana but it seems impossible unless you are in the USA. Are there any other alternatives? Is CBD oil legal by chance?

  5. Sean says:

    Does anyone know where to get topicals? I have been trying to find a way to make use of this to help with some stomach trouble I am having from medication. It makes it hard to eat and I am losing too much weight because of it. I don’t like to vape or smoke and edibles obviously aren’t an option for me.

  6. Frank S. says:

    I am guessing vaping is healthier than smoking as well. Based on what I read when comparing vaping to smoking cigarettes anyway. I am trying to move away from harmful habits and this is one of the ones on my list. I am going to give vaping a go and see if this helps me feel as if I can breathe a bit better. Thanks!

  7. JoeJack says:

    I found vaping to be a better alternative to smoking but wanted to get away from inhaling all together so I was curious about edibles, dabbing, and topical options. This was helpful. I am going to have to see what options I have in terms of legal access and the laws surrounding it. I am hoping I can get something as the stuff has been helpful for my PTSD.

  8. Brie N. says:

    So are there places that sell these topical like lotions and creams in the UK? I don’t want oil as I can’t use it on my sensitive skin. I am prone to breakouts all over. I have to find a lotion or cream in order to actually take advantage of the benefits. I have asthma and can’t vape or smoke

  9. Micheal Brewer says:

    Dabbing is not good for anyone that is sensitiveness to THC. I want to make sure everyone knows that. My ex was highly sensitive to it and tried this, ended up in the hospital. I think it is a great option for people who have a higher tolerance but not for beginners or those that have a stronger response to higher levels of THC.

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